AI is not just a news story, its advancing fast. Here’s why business are embracing it, and why waiting could be your most expensive choice.

For any business, time is a precious resource. Business leaders can only stretch themselves so far before efficiency declines and the business suffers. This can lead to difficult tradeoffs. Important high-level strategic thinking getting sacrificed for low-level administrative tasks or taking on the risks and expense of recruiting new staff… potentially losing more time in training them up.

This is where artificial intelligence comes in. AI has progressed to the point where specialised agents can be developed to take on specific business roles, whether that be supporting existing staff, enhancing their productivity and knowledge, or minimising the need to seek (and pay for) professional external advice.

For example, AI sales assistants can qualify leads and draft initial communications. Customer service chatbots manage common queries to improve satisfaction. Recruiting algorithms screen potential candidates and schedule interviews. HR bots keep you within regulations, Product manager bots help produce new income streams. The list goes on.

Unlike general artificial intelligence (ChatGPT, Bard, Bing etc) these specialised agents are trained to be experts in their given domains. They are loaded with an amount of data far surpassing any individual (e.g’s VAT Advisor AI has the full sum of all HMRC internal VAT manuals as well as all guides and legislation, so more than VAT inspectors have) The AI efficiently provides advice, guidance (and often sorts tasks) enabling the human team to work at above 100% efficiency (compared to those working without AI support)

The benefits are immense. Workflows accelerate, more gets accomplished, business profitability increases. Data-driven insights improve decision making. Customers receive quick, consistent interactions, and less staff are needed to drive business growth. No detail is too small for the AI agents to analyse and improve.

At this point, AI cannot replace human roles outright, instead our AI agents collaborate with people. They speed up tasks and provide expert-level guidance. This empowers leaders to bring their companies to new heights and makes employees jobs easier, whilst allowing them to operate far above their skill set.

For businesses taking advantage of specialised AI capabilities the future looks bright. They will save time, operate efficiently and gain significant competitive advantages. A study by Harvard Business Review found that businesses using AI (just on sales) can increase leads by 50%, reduce call time by 70% and cut costs by 40-60%

What is the real-life effect of this? Well, as an example, The CEO of Dukaan (an e-commerce platform based in India) announced in January this year that utilising AI had enabled them to reduce their staffing levels (customer services) by 90%… that is however an extreme example, even though AI technology has advanced further since then.

In most cases we would expect a business to see staff productivity to increase by 30%-40% by integrating AI. This means the ability to grow without needing extra staff, reduced overtime, existing full time staff moving to part-time and perhaps part-time staff being no longer needed.

In short, AI means increased efficiency, increased productivity and reducing overheads… the end, just one thing is certain, AI will cost you far more if you don’t embrace into your business.

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