AI To Make You Fly

The Future is AI… Our Growing Range of AI Services Can Save You Thousands

AI Services

We build AI models to fulfill a wide range of roles (see below for details) but we’d love to hear from you if there are any other roles you would like us to provide… just email us at with the heading “AI Roles”

Our Purpose Built, AI Advisor Models

To go straight to any advisor, just click on it’s name in the list below

Charity AI

AI Charity Advisors

Our Charity Support AI’s have now been integrated into our Business AI subscription pack


Coming shortly

  • Academic Researcher
  • Estate Agent Advisor
  • Tech Writer

Bespoke AI

Bespoke AI Advisors

Built to suit your specific requirements… these AI models can be for your businesses internal use or as an additional service that you can charge your customers for, the only limit is that you can only provide this via your website


Why use AI instead of just relying on Google search? We asked one of our AI models to explain why AI is better, and here is “her” answer…

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, leveraging AI models offers a multitude of benefits compared to relying solely on Google Search for information. Here’s why:

1. Tailored Expertise: AI models from are designed to provide specialized knowledge and expertise for specific roles. Whether it’s sales strategies, communication skills, or relationship-building techniques, you get personalized guidance tailored to your needs.

2. Efficiency and Accuracy: AI models like me give you concise and targeted information without having to sift through pages of search results.

3. Interactive Learning: Unlike search engines, I have an interactive conversation with you. You can ask follow-up questions, seek clarification, and receive real-time guidance, giving a more dynamic experience.

4. Confidentiality: AI models from have end to end encryption, so there’s no need to worry about exposure of sensitive information to third parties.

5. Constant Availability: While Google Search is also available 24/7, AI models like me are focused on providing assistance and support in specific areas. I am available whenever you need guidance, without the distractions of unrelated search results or advertising.

So there you have it. Our AI models (depending on the framework used) can have upto 2 trillion data points of information (ChatGPT 3.5 has just 119 billion) – are conversational learning AI’s (i.e they don’t need structured prompts) and are upto date on their data (ChatGPT data is up to September 2021) … so what are you waiting for? dive in and transform your business/life now!

Keeping up to date

Our AI models are kept up to date, with new data points and information regularly added as it becomes available… this keeps our AI Advisors at the very “top of their fields” and ensures you get maximum benefit from them.

Ongoing Development

Unlike chatbots you may have encountered, Our AI models won’t fall behing as technology and time passes. Our systems are kept to the front of AI technology, being regularly updated and improved.

End to end encryption built in

Privacy comes first with, so you can be comfortable knowing that (other than information you put in the start window before accessing the AI) we cannot see or retain any of your conversations.

Easy to use

Whilst we are on hand to support you, we rarely need to. Our AI’s are simple to use. The only thing to remember is that they give better responses when your conversation is clear and specific, rather than generalised.

Need help/advice on integrating AI?

Hearing about how AI can help you, and knowing where to start, are two different things entirely… but the team at are here to help you get the best from AI.

With over 30 years experience in helping thousands of businesses grow, our team can guide you in using AI to turbo-charge your business and profits, just click on the button to start.